last night.. went to Tesco Semenyih.... after tawaf tesco..raun2 kat luar teso..kat kedai tepi2 area food court..
naa...ade kedai baru bukak..cake.. promotion RM6 = 3 potong kek... ape lagi..serang je la... bli...
time nk bayar... si cashier ni blur tgk aku.. haha... tah ape yg die pk tah... musti otak dia buat calculation tahap add maths... aku bg RM11..harga kek RM6... so.. she was like.." erm..RM6.." my intention was to get RM5..yg warne ijau tu... ..then kwn dia.." bg la abg ni RM5 balik.." n she was.. "uh..ahaa" .. blur.. maybe 1st time jd cashier..
after dat... perut mule membuak buak lapo... me n ma brotha...serbu kfc... naa... ni la dia... She's the best cashier I eva met.... aku sampai sampai kat counter..she greets me with her gorgeous smile..n asked me.. " abg nk bape ketol ayam abg? " n i was like.." huh!! " then dia gelak gelak.. fo me dinner plate n ma brotha snack plate..n she asked " cukup ke abg?" tanye mcm bebetol nk tau..cukup ke..mmg gurau2 time tu.. best sgt ngan cashier mcm tu... da mcm lame kenai la kunun...
**tiada unsur ngorat mengorat disini yea..eventho it'd be such a great honor and bonus for me to know her name**
then tengah makan... ma another n ckp.. " mane ko? da nk balik da ni" n ..wot! baru je duduk.. snack plate adk aku dia tak usik lagi... tp sketol ayam aku da selamat masuk dlm perut...(aku tak gelojoh! just dat ayam..kecik!!)
so, p la mintak kotak utk bungkus bawak balik... cashier td ckp.. "bape ketol yg abg nk bungkus?" n ma brotha said.. "5 " she : " abg tak makan lagi ke?"
ahh..wot a friendly worker..time bli tu..gelak sesaje... the way she controls her jokes..tak nampak mcm gatai or wotsoeva... n thatz da best moment..great service...
**two thumbs up for her...**
Something that I want to share with all of you. Blog ni just utk aku main tulis² ape yg aku rase aku nk tulis. so, this is it.. ☺
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
cuti berganti hati...
cuti datang lagi.... n this time..of cause not my sem break...mmg kene penampo la klu baru naik sem da dpt cuti panjang.... dak2 non-degree Linton College...start cuti secara far as i know...Jumaat la last examination day...but most of status yg naik kat fb...kene redo assignmnt...but..tah long u all got cuti sbulan..
while me...housemate semua aku pon so-called cuti gak la...
ntah nape...bile tgk housemate aku da yillek... aku terus terbayangkn...umah kt perak...rase mcm ...ahhh...nk balik kg dah....
maybe sbb ni Sabtu.. cuti..they also cuti... just the different is... me cuti minggu..they cuti sebulan...huhu..cuti sem..
cuti datang lagi.... n this time..of cause not my sem break...mmg kene penampo la klu baru naik sem da dpt cuti panjang.... dak2 non-degree Linton College...start cuti secara far as i know...Jumaat la last examination day...but most of status yg naik kat fb...kene redo assignmnt...but..tah long u all got cuti sbulan..
while me...housemate semua aku pon so-called cuti gak la...
ntah nape...bile tgk housemate aku da yillek... aku terus terbayangkn...umah kt perak...rase mcm ...ahhh...nk balik kg dah....
maybe sbb ni Sabtu.. cuti..they also cuti... just the different is... me cuti minggu..they cuti sebulan...huhu..cuti sem..
Sunday, January 23, 2011 weekend..
morning.. from 7.30am - 8.20am...aku da settle basuh baju n sidai kain... dunno la bersih or tak baju tu...
semua sbb nk kejar bus kolej yg akan ke Batang Benar jam 8.30am..
bepeluh2...tgk takde pon...tanye transportation office...nasip, dia kate blom lagi gerak...
d pendekkn citer... sampai sudah kat The Mines...plan ngan kwn nk tgk wayang jam 3pm..but since da sampai awal..aku call kwn, suh dtg, kiteorg tgk jam 1.20pm..
kami nonton citer Khurafat...korg da tgk?
since aku da penah kene 2 kali..which is kene tinggal ngna kawan dlm tak tau nk cari panggung, this time..i hold the tickets.. so, aku blaja care nk cari tpt duduk n cari panggung.. tp, the hack! gelap gulita..aku plak da tak nampak..lampu tutup da mcm wayang da start je...
time da start..lampu tebukak..ape kes tah.. tp nasip la...within 5 min, lampu da tutup...
berdasarkn vid tu...mmg jauh beza nyer dgn reaksi aku dlm wayang.. bkn nk blagak..ade gak since tekejut..
scene yg wat aku terkejut...time si "Aisyah" masuk kete, then antu tu terus bergerak kedepan camera..mmg tekejut gak la..
and time "Rosman" ngan "Johan" dlm van...time tu, antu pandai...leh plak antu tu stopkn bacaan Yasin yg dipasang kat audio system..then..da tutup bunyi... si Johan pandang keranda..nampak mata dlm tu... n si Rosman plak..pandang nampak antu...2 tu je yg buat tekejut...
apsal aku tekejut time antu ade dlm kete? huhu...harap2 aku tak mengalami mende tu time driving..aminn..( risau la jugak).
korg yg da tgk..tekejut? ade jerit? klu ade, baik ngaku la..tak perlu nk selindung selindung...tgk mcm aku...tak jerit pon...hehe..

mamat sebelah aku...tekejut gak..but..cover ngan awek dia.. haha..
tp..dlm panggung wayang tu..tak bape feel..sbb? mmg adess.... ramai pompuan yg menjerit.. mende kecik jer..saje nk jerit..pahape..korg mesti tak mcm tu kan? i know...
dlm cite ni...agak ramai yg complaint..korg prasan tak? cite byk tpt gelap.." apsal hospital gelap? " "keje tpt gelap? mmg scene kat hospital...ramai yg komen.." tpt gelap"..
n klu korg perasan... suspend da betoi...tgk tgk..mimpi..adess...
n aku plak..mmg sakit hati...sbb? scene tu gelap...then, tetibe terus tuka gamba langit biru..terang! sakit MATA!!! haish!..

dlm cite ni...aku suke Sabrina Ali = Anna.... chantikk nyerrrr...
i dunno...her eyes, face, skin, mouth, nose...just beautiful..! plus..her hair..ahhh... not taking any pleasure ok..just mengagumi...
mase aku tgk iklan khurafat..tgk dia blakun..mmg somewot..."hah! dia blakun..cantik nyerr" haha... tah la...she is jelita...ade mix memane kot...
da abis tgk wayang....pepusing the mines...tap!! ternampak Big Apple...
aku tak penah mkn..sbb klu mkn dunuts, aku makan dunkin donuts...
so, saje je panjangkn leher...tgk .. donuts...eventho aku tak suke donuts..

but tetibe jer, ma pren tanye, "ko nk? jom aku blanje?" haik! aku tekejut gak la..sbb aku ingat mahal...then dia kate "jom, bli 12.. ko 3, aku 3" so, aku pon ok jer.. sbb tak penah mkn..n alang alang ade org nk blanje..sure, y not..haha.. org kate..rezeki jgn d tak tolak..mkn la..
so, aku mkn yg merah,chocolate, ngan ijau+putih yg da mcm web tu... n yea..sedap! n cepat muak!.. bg yg tak penah rase...aku bg tau..dlm tu bukan kosong..ade isi.. haha..tu yg buat muak... but try la...sapa yg da rase...korg muak tak? or korg melantak lg?
tu la dia...10 jam dlm the mines... klu dlm Mid Vally kire ok la..mmg besar tpt nyer... ni the mines leh mencecah 10 jam! berdua je plak tu...klu dlm group..bleh la lagi..haha...haish...
semua sbb nk kejar bus kolej yg akan ke Batang Benar jam 8.30am..
bepeluh2...tgk takde pon...tanye transportation office...nasip, dia kate blom lagi gerak...
d pendekkn citer... sampai sudah kat The Mines...plan ngan kwn nk tgk wayang jam 3pm..but since da sampai awal..aku call kwn, suh dtg, kiteorg tgk jam 1.20pm..
kami nonton citer Khurafat...korg da tgk?
since aku da penah kene 2 kali..which is kene tinggal ngna kawan dlm tak tau nk cari panggung, this time..i hold the tickets.. so, aku blaja care nk cari tpt duduk n cari panggung.. tp, the hack! gelap gulita..aku plak da tak nampak..lampu tutup da mcm wayang da start je...
time da start..lampu tebukak..ape kes tah.. tp nasip la...within 5 min, lampu da tutup...
berdasarkn vid tu...mmg jauh beza nyer dgn reaksi aku dlm wayang.. bkn nk blagak..ade gak since tekejut..
scene yg wat aku terkejut...time si "Aisyah" masuk kete, then antu tu terus bergerak kedepan camera..mmg tekejut gak la..
hah! time ni tak la jerit |
apsal aku tekejut time antu ade dlm kete? huhu...harap2 aku tak mengalami mende tu time driving..aminn..( risau la jugak).
korg yg da tgk..tekejut? ade jerit? klu ade, baik ngaku la..tak perlu nk selindung selindung...tgk mcm aku...tak jerit pon...hehe..
mamat sebelah aku...tekejut gak..but..cover ngan awek dia.. haha..
tp..dlm panggung wayang tu..tak bape feel..sbb? mmg adess.... ramai pompuan yg menjerit.. mende kecik jer..saje nk jerit..pahape..korg mesti tak mcm tu kan? i know...
dlm cite ni...agak ramai yg complaint..korg prasan tak? cite byk tpt gelap.." apsal hospital gelap? " "keje tpt gelap? mmg scene kat hospital...ramai yg komen.." tpt gelap"..
n klu korg perasan... suspend da betoi...tgk tgk..mimpi..adess...
n aku plak..mmg sakit hati...sbb? scene tu gelap...then, tetibe terus tuka gamba langit biru..terang! sakit MATA!!! haish!..
dlm cite ni...aku suke Sabrina Ali = Anna.... chantikk nyerrrr...
i dunno...her eyes, face, skin, mouth, nose...just beautiful..! plus..her hair..ahhh... not taking any pleasure ok..just mengagumi...
mase aku tgk iklan khurafat..tgk dia blakun..mmg somewot..."hah! dia blakun..cantik nyerr" haha... tah la...she is jelita...ade mix memane kot...
da abis tgk wayang....pepusing the mines...tap!! ternampak Big Apple...
aku tak penah mkn..sbb klu mkn dunuts, aku makan dunkin donuts...
so, saje je panjangkn leher...tgk .. donuts...eventho aku tak suke donuts..

but tetibe jer, ma pren tanye, "ko nk? jom aku blanje?" haik! aku tekejut gak la..sbb aku ingat mahal...then dia kate "jom, bli 12.. ko 3, aku 3" so, aku pon ok jer.. sbb tak penah mkn..n alang alang ade org nk blanje..sure, y not..haha.. org kate..rezeki jgn d tak tolak..mkn la..
so, aku mkn yg merah,chocolate, ngan ijau+putih yg da mcm web tu... n yea..sedap! n cepat muak!.. bg yg tak penah rase...aku bg tau..dlm tu bukan kosong..ade isi.. haha..tu yg buat muak... but try la...sapa yg da rase...korg muak tak? or korg melantak lg?
tu la dia...10 jam dlm the mines... klu dlm Mid Vally kire ok la..mmg besar tpt nyer... ni the mines leh mencecah 10 jam! berdua je plak tu...klu dlm group..bleh la lagi..haha...haish...
Friday, January 21, 2011
bad News..
last night..i planned to ask my lecturer to be ma supervisor...
but today... am not even ask yet..." i got announcement to make...Madam will be emergency leave for 2 weeks..she's going back to India for emergency reason".... mak dia sakit plak..takpe la madam, hope ur mom will be ok soon...
but for 2 weeks...she will be gone!! so i need to find another supervisor..but..who!! who!! ? huhu...
got some names in ma mind.. but..naaa....but..ermm...naaaa...but...ermm...if got no choice.. terpaksa la..
but today... am not even ask yet..." i got announcement to make...Madam will be emergency leave for 2 weeks..she's going back to India for emergency reason".... mak dia sakit plak..takpe la madam, hope ur mom will be ok soon...
but for 2 weeks...she will be gone!! so i need to find another supervisor..but..who!! who!! ? huhu...
got some names in ma mind.. but..naaa....but..ermm...naaaa...but...ermm...if got no choice.. terpaksa la..
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Final Project...
So, the time is finally here.... time to think about the Final Project...
the bad news is..I ain't got any any ANY topic.. but got lotz of ideas..
just dunno how to put it on the writing...
wanna do this, dat, dis and dat dat dat!!...but when it comes to paper, to write the topic...
"......" blank..!!
and, am not only having problem on choosing topic, also need to find supervisor for tiz final project... who? WHO?? aAaa..!!! got one... I'll try to 'purpose' her tumoro.... hope she will accept to be ma supervisor..and of cause, to help and guide me in da good, sporting n fun ways... she's a new lect. from India...hurm...happy, cute, and huggable too.. haha...
Final Project... ape la nk yg dibuat agak nyer.... read some in d library...looks like ma previous assignmnt..mcm senang jer.. well..maybe it is..klu pemilihan tajuk yg sesuai wit own knowledge..
Letz do this!!
the bad news is..I ain't got any any ANY topic.. but got lotz of ideas..
just dunno how to put it on the writing...
wanna do this, dat, dis and dat dat dat!!...but when it comes to paper, to write the topic...
"......" blank..!!
and, am not only having problem on choosing topic, also need to find supervisor for tiz final project... who? WHO?? aAaa..!!! got one... I'll try to 'purpose' her tumoro.... hope she will accept to be ma supervisor..and of cause, to help and guide me in da good, sporting n fun ways... she's a new lect. from India...hurm...happy, cute, and huggable too.. haha...
Letz do this!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
back to college.. back... bet tomoro will me the exiting day..cause next after tumoro, there will be classes..i heard from my colleague..we got class at 8..but i will register at 8am!..damn! in college now...wot a life in here!! my rountine same jer.. in kampung..but dunno kenape la online kat kolej tak 'semeriah' dlm umah kt Perak? perhaps the enviroment..
aku sampai sampai je selekoh masuk kolej...
haik!! kolej aku da ilang!! ingat da tutup... sbb dulu ade la gak signboard besar terpapang " Kolej Universiti Legenda" siap ade 5 muke students kolej ni kat signboard "Big Tree" tu... but now... jd kolej MAHSA....
ni mesti kolej tak baya utk teruskn contract letak signboard tu... tu la impression aku time memule masuk kolej utk tahun 2011..
then, sampai sampai je...dijemput baik dgn pak guard mintak tunjuk card matrix... lepas kes hari tu, baru la nk security ketat..klu tak, gajah masuk pon bleh..endah tak endah jer... now, katak nk lalu pon kene buat record... well, tu contoh jer..takkan la pak guard nk suh si katak buat report klu nk masuk campus kan...
sampai je block aku..mendaki ke tingkat-5...perghh!!! aku da tecungap-cungap! lama tol tak naek tangga sampai tingkat 5..bawak barang lagi.. klu dulu, relax da tua? of cause just, matter of time.. da lame tak, ini la salah satu sbb aku tak mo turun bawah semata mata buang sampah...sanggup tunggu esk hari utk p kelas baru buang..ikut hati nk je campak drp atas..
then, bukak je pintu..wallah!!!!! erm..ape yg berlaku bia la sbgi simpanan peribadi... tak elok cite kat org luar hal dlm rumah kan? tp tgk block depan da ade pagar, then pokok da ilang..da nampak seberang jalan..zink tutup banggunan "under construction" pon da takde..n da nampak kemas la jugak..klu dulu banggunan tu mmg semak dgn lalang, tong etc...
da settle sesuaikn diri ngan enviroment dlm umah...mmg tenang.. then..perasaan exited nk p kelas mula berputik.. rasa berat hati utk tinggal rumah mula jd ringan...peluk bantal..perghh..bau yg sungguh mengasyikkan...bau yg takkan dpt di mana mana company... diulit dgn kedinginan dan diselimuti dgn cahya mentari..acewah.... ber-sastera la plak..
bydaway...can't believe am gonna write this..but.. " Good to be back".... in college now...wot a life in here!! my rountine same jer.. in kampung..but dunno kenape la online kat kolej tak 'semeriah' dlm umah kt Perak? perhaps the enviroment..
aku sampai sampai je selekoh masuk kolej...
haik!! kolej aku da ilang!! ingat da tutup... sbb dulu ade la gak signboard besar terpapang " Kolej Universiti Legenda" siap ade 5 muke students kolej ni kat signboard "Big Tree" tu... but now... jd kolej MAHSA....
ni mesti kolej tak baya utk teruskn contract letak signboard tu... tu la impression aku time memule masuk kolej utk tahun 2011..
then, sampai sampai je...dijemput baik dgn pak guard mintak tunjuk card matrix... lepas kes hari tu, baru la nk security ketat..klu tak, gajah masuk pon bleh..endah tak endah jer... now, katak nk lalu pon kene buat record... well, tu contoh jer..takkan la pak guard nk suh si katak buat report klu nk masuk campus kan...
sampai je block aku..mendaki ke tingkat-5...perghh!!! aku da tecungap-cungap! lama tol tak naek tangga sampai tingkat 5..bawak barang lagi.. klu dulu, relax da tua? of cause just, matter of time.. da lame tak, ini la salah satu sbb aku tak mo turun bawah semata mata buang sampah...sanggup tunggu esk hari utk p kelas baru buang..ikut hati nk je campak drp atas..
da settle sesuaikn diri ngan enviroment dlm umah...mmg tenang.. then..perasaan exited nk p kelas mula berputik.. rasa berat hati utk tinggal rumah mula jd ringan...peluk bantal..perghh..bau yg sungguh mengasyikkan...
bydaway...can't believe am gonna write this..but.. " Good to be back"....
Friday, January 14, 2011
final day in Perak..
makan tido, jenjalan, raun, online, offline, seda seda da abis cuti sem..!! huhu....
rase mcm baru je start cuti...smlm aku rase baru je sampai Perak..hari ni da nk berangkat pulang... uh tidak...
but to be truth..cuti sem kali ni mmg the best from previous cutis...
cause almost semua plan aku berhasil..which are
>jenjalan Ipoh ngan kwn skola..
:mandi air terjun..
>drive kete puas puas... which is sem ni byk kali drive kete .. haha..korg mesti kate "tah hape hape" tp mmg btol pon..tah hape hape hape tu la menjd byk ape ape kat aku....simple but means a lot...
>begamba ngan pon tah hape suka aku la..
> pegi Gua Tempurung...da lame simpan niat...last pegi time aku skola lagi..pegi time hari keluarga..
but this time..aku p secara tak sengaja..eventho tak least aku da tau, next time..leh la pegi.. korg mesti kate "tah hape hape..ingat masuk..kepoh ja dia ni" ...
tp ade gak yg tak tercapai..
which is so-called dating with someone ni... berat tok jodo kiteorg.. haha...cadang nk jenjalan berdua..tup2 demam la plak..time dia sihat..aku plak kene demam..skrg? da nk balik nogori... pe kes? haha..
but best dpt bergamba ngan dia time baru baru cuti start la kot..
time to pack ma bag...less to clothing more to food.. hehe...
rase mcm baru je start cuti...smlm aku rase baru je sampai Perak..hari ni da nk berangkat pulang... uh tidak...
but to be truth..cuti sem kali ni mmg the best from previous cutis...
cause almost semua plan aku berhasil..which are
>jenjalan Ipoh ngan kwn skola..
:mandi air terjun..
>drive kete puas puas... which is sem ni byk kali drive kete .. haha..korg mesti kate "tah hape hape" tp mmg btol pon..tah hape hape hape tu la menjd byk ape ape kat aku....simple but means a lot...
>begamba ngan pon tah hape suka aku la..
> pegi Gua Tempurung...da lame simpan niat...last pegi time aku skola lagi..pegi time hari keluarga..
but this time..aku p secara tak sengaja..eventho tak least aku da tau, next time..leh la pegi.. korg mesti kate "tah hape hape..ingat masuk..kepoh ja dia ni" ...
tp ade gak yg tak tercapai..
which is so-called dating with someone ni... berat tok jodo kiteorg.. haha...cadang nk jenjalan berdua..tup2 demam la plak..time dia sihat..aku plak kene demam..skrg? da nk balik nogori... pe kes? haha..
but best dpt bergamba ngan dia time baru baru cuti start la kot..
time to pack ma bag...less to clothing more to food.. hehe...
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
the unexpected day...
once upon a time...
morning, plan da nk p hang out ngan kengkawan... da plan was unclear...still in the bush...tak tau ape plan nyer..the only thing i know is... hang out.... then, da plan.. nak naek moto..ayah plak kate.. "roadtax mati.."
so, dat is the unexpected number 1...but the show must go on!! naek bus! me? alone! naek bus! da lame tak naek bus sengsorg..
then, thot of ma kawan, tak sampai lagi, upe nyer dia duduk dekat area situ... then.. da siap, da bekumpui..
tak tau nk p mane, till one kawan aku mentioned " p skola, jumpe cikgu rossy" woo!! the very unexpected one.. jumpe cikgu or guru kelas time Pre-University dulu.. wot a great plan! sembang sembang...gelak gelak..then...
da blah...dangg!! i got camera right in ma pocket!! nape la tak tepk nk begamba? chait!
then, we are moving to Tesco...jenjalan... meet ma old fren..penah keje sane.. n he said " badan ko da naek"
haha... i bet i am naik..expecially some part of body..real naik!! pecah diameter lama..
sampai Ipoh..straight away go to Double J..or JJ..or Jaya Jusco?
terus p tgk wayang! n I was like..huh? wayang?? i didnt bring ma cemin mate.. dang.! i shouldnt tinggalkn kat umah..but join gak la..
sambil tunggu tu.. maen bowling which is da lame tak maen... team aku semua dpt strike, but me? huhu...
i used to hv strike..AT LEAST ONE!! but, smlm tak menjd plak! haha... semua salah pin!! I STRONGLY BLAME DAT DARN PINs!! korg diam! korg tak tau ape ape.. bace jer! dah! jgn mempertikaikn..!
penyelamat aku la kunun.. |
JumPe pon! |
so, here's the wayang goes....
"Damping Malam"
my ranking.. tak berani nk bg rangking.. haha..
time dlm tu, ade air 100 plus aku tertumpah n terpercik kat org dpn.. haha.. all i can say is.. "sorry" .. honestly, dont blame is ma fwen! tak duduk diam! huhu..nasip la bf dia tak pasan..n guess she tak ngadu kat her bf.. hehe...
jalan citer slow.. n quite bored too.... n not even a small tiny horror..
dat wots ma point of view... but fo others..dunno...
takde pon aku nampak antu dlm cite ni... but anyway, thanks, dude sbb blanje aku tgk wayang least kite tgk gak..kan? hehe..
last, kuar panggung, p tandas..n tandas full.. so, ni la hasil nyer...
r u sure on wot u see? |
balik tu, bkn maen suh upload dlm fb n tag their pics.. haha... n aku pon ingat bleh la on... but, takes time dude...kene edit some little more, the lights, the resize... sbb pic from camera... kinda big..susah nk upload kat fb..ambik mase..tambah mlm tu, ma ummie asked me to go to pasar malam...and after balik from pasa mlm, ma body starts to "baterry low" .. so, settle segala mlm hal dunia yg penting je la..terus p tido.n it takes me within 2 mins..terlelap sudahhh....
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2nd day in New Year...
today's ma 2nd day in 2011....
got nothing to do cause ma plan to go 'dating' was canceled.. due of sickness...of her.. huhu.. she got fever la plak..
hampir siap... then i got sms from her saying dat dia demam...
penat je plan..already cancel for 2 is the 3rd time.. haha.. takde jodo...but, just spend ma time at home, online, facebook-ing... woo.. quite bored sunday..
but the best part is.. makan.. ma ummie cooked ape tah... kuah kuning..ade ayam... lemak cili api or cili padi ..sort of....
but new year... went out wit ma best gurlfrien...(which is my friend dat is gurl )
itz been a long time i didnt laugh out loud... mmg kecoh gak la McD tu..nasip duduk kat luar..klu kat dlm.kene control suara.. kat luar..makin kuat music, makin kuat la kiteorg gelak... wot a piring McD tol...
nasip la sempat jumpe..cause by today(Sunday) she da balik U.. cause next Monday, class already started...
wot about u guys? how's urs? hari hari permulaan tahun 2011?
got nothing to do cause ma plan to go 'dating' was canceled.. due of sickness...of her.. huhu.. she got fever la plak..
hampir siap... then i got sms from her saying dat dia demam...
penat je plan..already cancel for 2 is the 3rd time.. haha.. takde jodo...but, just spend ma time at home, online, facebook-ing... woo.. quite bored sunday..
but the best part is.. makan.. ma ummie cooked ape tah... kuah kuning..ade ayam... lemak cili api or cili padi ..sort of....
but new year... went out wit ma best gurlfrien...(which is my friend dat is gurl )
itz been a long time i didnt laugh out loud... mmg kecoh gak la McD tu..nasip duduk kat luar..klu kat dlm.kene control suara.. kat luar..makin kuat music, makin kuat la kiteorg gelak... wot a piring McD tol...
nasip la sempat jumpe..cause by today(Sunday) she da balik U.. cause next Monday, class already started...
wot about u guys? how's urs? hari hari permulaan tahun 2011?
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