hari tu, birthday housemate..so, i got nothing to give but blanje makan..thus, aku ajak p kfc.. mkn sana.. "without thinking kfc vid yg pernah aku tonton.."
at 8, gerak p kfc.. mkn sana.. so, mmg best! sbb sekaligus aku dpt gak mkn kfc..da lame tak mkn...
balik tu, kwn aku ade keje kat kolej, buat "tentative".. actually i hv no idea wot the hack is tentative really is until i see it with ma own eyes... ape yg aku nampak.. tu satu mcm card jemputan.. haha..
aku cadang nk stay sane sat, tgk tgk...by 10pm, i should balik ja hostel... but dunno wot or how..bile da berkumpul ramai2, berckp, bergurau2, face2face... feels like whole big college family... the moment that i'd neva want to miss out...so, aku stay up to 11pm... time tu masuk campus nk p print, then nk keluar balik p kolej... almost 3 years dlm kolej nih..aku tak penah request surat kebenaran keluar but i did this semesta -- lepas 11pm, student tak leh keluar unless dgn surat kebenaran...
so, in da group.. i had lots of lots of lots of fun! aku rase sangat sonok..feel like a kid.. having sooo much fun! fall in love in every moment.. its like a precious moment eva! the moment was captured in camera...but i dunt hv em.. soon, aku akan mintak! tuntut! hehe..
lepas jam 12, kolej plak tutup, no one allowed to stay inside college- either class or corridor.. so, we moved to food court...buat kat sana until jam 3am!.. wit lots of love.. buat buat buat.... tetibe ade yg nk order mkn..but sharing is caring...so, share duit mkn pizza pakistan.. hehe.. tak tau la pakistan ka, jordan ka, arab ka.. tp sedap... da jam 3 lebih tu... kedai tu nk tutup..maksud nyer lampu under pengawasan kedai tu pon akan di tutup.. so, again, we moved to kedai yg ada lampu n tak tutup!... ade yg cadangkn nk buat kat tasik kolej under lampu yg samar2... tu name nyer da kemaruk nk buat keje sampai siap...n of cause la aku taknk.. cause itz a mixed group - girls n guys...so, kang tak pasal2 kene tangkap, kene extend sem bla bla bla...
aku da kate, nk balik.. aku da ngantuk, sbb aku ade kelas jam 8am - 5pm esk..tp dorg mcm denga tak denga.. n ikut hati, nk balik..but.. like i told ya.. the moment itz tooo perfect to left behind.. so, aku join ja.. sampai la jam 4am... jam alarm yg aku set utk bgn pagi.. berbunyi time aku otw balik hostel.. haha...
so, balik tu, terus pasang niat puasa 6..terus tido..

how can i? aku mane penah stay outdoor up to 4am! tambah plak klu esk nyer ade class/hal seawal jam 8 pagi.. mau mau paling lambat tido jam 11pm..hehe..
klu keluar jalan2 jauh tu, bleh la dikira okay lagi.. ni kat sini je pon...
berseronok tp buat kerja... isnt dat great?
n wit respect... tu la group/club/persatuan yg paling best...Im so lucky to be in this society...
they really meant the word " BERSAMA BERSATU"...
fuy0oo .. the m0ment is publish ! ! !
ReplyDeletenice nice , kenangan final sem tu ..
heee .. s0, nak tahu, kelas pk0l 8 tu berjaya pergi dengan cemerlang tak ?
p/s :: sama lah kite ade kelas pk0l 8 am - 5 pm..
kelas jam 8.. okay.. just lewat 10 min.. tp time baru sampai tu, lect baru nk start..hehe..
ReplyDeletethanks for the kenangan...
ReplyDeleteaku tak dpt rasa the moment...sob3
best kot...biler lg...